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Standing Out in a Crowd

Standing Out in a Crowd

Greetings.  As this year winds to a close, many companies and organizations are focused on figuring out how to create new energy, excitement, and engagement in the year ahead.  And that means unlocking the genius of all of our people in order to deliver more compelling value to the customers we choose to serve

In the first few months of this blog, I've written about discovering the song in all of us and the power of music to bring people together.  These are very important themes that I hope you and your organization will embrace in 2010.  But this clip, filmed last month in the Central Market in Valencia, Spain, adds another helpful dimension to the magic of singing.  And, it provides a great spark for you and your colleagues to think about how to get attention when no one seems to notice you.  I can't say that I'm a big fan of opera, but maybe now I should be a bit more curious and open-minded.  It's also worth noting that this amazing venue, built in 1928, is one of the truly great marketplaces in Europe.  

We win in business by capturing the imagination of those around us. And by daring to sing a song that really matters in a place filled with strangers.  What song will you and the geniuses you work with sing in the year ahead?  What fresh ideas and innovations will you bring to a crowded marketplace?  Maybe it's your time to stand out in a crowd.

Cheers and have a musical holiday season!

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