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The Leader’s Role in Innovation

The Leader’s Role in Innovation

Greetings.  During speeches and seminars I'm often asked what it takes "to lead innovation," and my quick response boils down to three essential things…  

First, leaders help to set the context for innovation by challenging their company or organization to be remarkable in ways that really matter to the customers it serves.  This means leading the charge in creating a clear and compelling "picture" of what we aspire to be and a powerful and engaging sense of why new thinking is needed to get there.

Second, leaders help everyone in the organization to find their place in the picture.  This means helping them to understand their potential for genius, and how that genius can be leveraged to make a real difference in delivering the greatest value.  

Third, leaders help their organizations to cast a much wider net in the search for ideas and insights that can truly reinvent the way business is done.  This means creating a culture of openness, curiosity, and possibilities in which we seek to unlock brilliance in the world around us and combine it with the very best of what we already know.

In the weeks ahead I'll look forward to comparing notes on the details of how to make this happen…

We win in business by working together to paint a picture of the best we can become and then, with real energy and conviction, bringing the picture to life.  Maybe a quick visit to the local art museum would be just the right start on your journey to the future.


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