Big Ideas Just for Fun Marketing and Sales

The Glow of Innovation

The Glow of Innovation

Greetings.  I know that many of the readers of this blog are particularly keen on innovation and the keys to unlocking greater value for those we have the privilege to serve.  Given this, I always try to cast a wide net in the search for ideas, insights and new possibilities that will spark our best thinking about how to be different in ways that really matter to customers.  And I try to keep an open mind, seeking first to understand what makes a new offering or business practice unique and then to figure out if something about it could provide guidance to readers.  And trying not to judge at the outset is fundamental to innovation and growth.

But sometimes an idea is so odd, from my lens, that I have to pause and wonder.  

Such is the case with one of the latest crazes in the world of food…

Glow in the dark sushi.

Now some of you are instantly thinking that glow in the dark sushi is a very bright idea.  Ha!  Ha!  An idea that could really light up your life or at least your dinner table.  The perfect meal for leaders and organizations that spend too much of their time in the dark.  

But here's the bigger point.  How often do you take the time to shine a new light on your business and the products, services and solutions that you offer?  And how often do you think about a wild, hip or dramatically different way to present your stuff?  Stuff that, over time, has a tendency to get a bit old and stale.  Because just like sushi, our offerings need to be as fresh as possible to keep the interest of customers.


We win in business and in life when we push ourselves to surround our best intentions with a very different glow.


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