Compelling Value Just for Fun Marketing and Sales

Keeping Customers Thirsty

Keeping Customers Thirsty

Greetings.  It's almost summer and that can only mean one thing…BEER.  Cold beer.  Cool.  Refreshing.  And the perfect accompaniment to your favorite cookout. And with all of today's choices, drinking beer has never been more interesting and rewarding.  But how do a world of customers decide which beer to buy?  And, how do a world of beer makers figure out how to get their products to stand out from the crowd.  Well, if you read this blog regularly you know that there are a lot of ways to be different.  From the very nature of your product, its unique attributes, the results it delivers, the knowledge inherent in using the product or doing business with the company, the status it confides, the value it offers, its history, the options it comes in, the extra perks of ownership, how it is marketed–including who else uses it, and so on.  

And beer is no different.  There are domestics, imports, dark beers, light (or is that "lite") beers, full-bodied beers, hand-crafted brews, wheat beers, bitter beers, fruity beers, beers made in ancient styles, organic beers, winter beers, summer beers and so on.  There are beers designed for partying, others for savoring, beers that won't fill you up, and beers that will enhance your self-esteem.  Beers in bottles, beers in cans, and beers in metal bottles that can control their own temperature.  There are even beers that you can write your name on–just in case you've had so many beers that you can't remember which one is yours.  Though they won't work if you can't remember your name.  And there's even a beer that has gained growing popularity because of the remarkable fellow who promotes it…and his over-the-top lifestyle and persona that (presumably) makes us want to be just like him.  After all, "he is the most interesting man in the world."  The suave gentleman who is at the heart of the Dos Equis brand and its commercials.  The one person who "once had an awkward experience just to see what it felt like."  It's an edgy marketing campaign based on research suggesting that beer drinkers often see themselves as dull and lacking confidence.  And it has increased sales by more than 20 percent even as customers have a growing number of choices. 

Which begs the question:  "How will you keep your customers thirsty this summer?"  What new ideas, insight and innovation will you provide that make you more valuable and help your business to stand out from the crowd?  And will you inspire them to think about your products, services or solutions in new ways?   To smile at the mention of your name.  To gain confidence at the thought of being associated with you.  To join in a conversation that is upbeat and engaging.  To be less dull and more confident.  And commit to buying your offerings whenever they have the need or desire.

So take a look at any of the Dos Equis' ads from a new perspective.  Because while they might be amusing, they might also shed some light on how to be different in ways that really matter.  And how to connect with customers in a way that is refreshing.  So that your customers will say:

"I don't alway drink beer, but when I do I prefer Dos Equis."


We win in business and in life when we try to push the limits of what it means to be remarkable.  And when we figure out the best way to have fun with those we have the privilege to serve.

Cheers and "stay thirsty my friends!"

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