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Free Trial

Free Trial

Greetings.  I try to spend a few hours every week simply wandering around with my eyes wide open–looking for interesting ideas and offers from local businesses across a wide range of industries.  It's a very good way to keep up with trends and possibly find an approach that might be valuable for one of our customers…if for no other reason than to spark a conversation.  And yesterday as I was wandering through a local shopping district I noticed the following sign on a table outside a local health club…

  WSC Offer

It's a reasonable offer or "contest" which I suspect has a lot of winners.  Because it is definitely in the interest of Washington Sports Clubs and most businesses to let potential customers have a free trial, taste a free sample or take a test drive.  To understand, first hand (or first taste), the value of what they have to offer.  And, in the case of a health club, to demonstrate over these 90 days the real value of being a member in helping someone achieve their personal objectives.

Yet most businesses rarely think about the power of kicking the tires as one way to build their base of customers.  And many that do offer a free trial fail to make the experience remarkable.  Which begs the question of whether or not your company or organization has something "free" to offer that would catch the attention of the people or businesses you desire to serve…and whether that free offer would really matter.

It might be worth a try–whether you run a health club, a photography studio, a grocery store, a car dealership or a government agency.

We win in business and in life when we give people a chance to try us out.  And when we are worth their time and energy.


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