Big Ideas Compelling Value Engaging Employees Unlocking Genius

Who Will You Hire?

Who Will You Hire?

Greetings.  As the economy begins to show a few signs of improving, a growing number of companies are thinking about hiring new employees.  Not big numbers of people.  But people to fill key positions.  And it suggests the need to think a bit differently about who we intend to hire. 

Because today, more than ever before, we desperately need to hire people who can make the right things happen.  People who can make us far better than we already are.  People who can ask tough questions and commit to finding and acting on the best answers.  People who can bring us new ideas and fresh perspectives.  People who have a sense of curiosity and openness about the world around them.  People who are passionate about delivering compelling value to the customers we serve. People who can resolve our most important problems with creativity and energy. People who can discover important new business opportunities that will help us to grow.  People who don't always agree with us.  People who can unlock the hidden genius in everyone around them.

Not your typical job description.  But we can't afford to hire "typical" people…who simply did the same work at their old company, went to all the right schools, and think and act just like us.  We already have enough of these people.

Help Wanted 

In a changing world we need to hire different people.  People who will challenge us to think and grow.  People who will inspire us to reach our full potential.       

Cheers and have a great weekend!

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