Are We Idiots? Compelling Value Engaging Employees Unlocking Genius

Value Added

Value Added

Greetings.  It's the start of a new week and a chance to reflect on the extra value we provide to our customers and colleagues.  Oh, I know, providing extra value is not one of your weekly metrics…or even part of your balanced scorecard…but it just might be the most important thing that any of us can do to build a real bond with those we have the privilege to serve.  And it's as simple as encouraging them to stretch their thinking about how to get something done, or supporting their efforts to imagine a world of possibilities by giving quick and helpful feedback on a new idea or an important question.  

But too often, many of us take the opposite tact.  Failing to take employees, colleagues, and even customers' ideas seriously.  Trying instead to poke holes in their latest thinking.  Suggesting why they won't work instead of why they might be a spark of genius.  And suggesting that they get back to the not-so important stuff in their in-boxes rather than trying to help us reach our greater potential as companies and organizations.  Even giving the impression by our lack of interest that we think they are idiots instead of geniuses.  

I recently saw a bumper sticker that read:


And I started thinking about the importance of kindness and encouragement in sparking innovation and unlocking the genius in all of our people.  The simple notion of taking the time to listen to a half-baked idea that might be filled with promise. 

Sarcasm 2

We win in business when we encourage those around us to reach beyond their everyday jobs in an effort to help us grow.


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