Big Ideas Just for Fun Unlocking Genius

To a New Year of Genius…

To a New Year of Genius…

Greetings and welcome back to work and life after the holiday break!  It's time to roll up your sleeves, put on your most comfortable shoes, unlock your innate sense of curiosity and wonder, and head out into the world around you in search of new ideas and brilliant possibilities.  So I hope that you got plenty of rest, because now is the time to make remarkable things happen by unlocking the genius in yourself and those around you in order to deliver truly compelling value for the customers you have the privilege to serve.

And whenever I think about the start of a new year, I'm reminded of the magic of childhood and the continuing wisdom of our own children Sara, Carly, and Noah. Each day they demonstrate that we are only limited by the power of our imaginations. 

And while this was a very important year for each of them–with Sara graduating from high school and deciding to work for a while before beginning college…Carly having her Bat Mitzvah and starting at a new school…and Noah changing soccer clubs and preparing for the transition to middle school–they all paused recently to imagine their own futures.  Futures filled with documentary filmmaking, music, soccer, and a host of other unforeseen opportunities to unlock their talents and make a difference in the world.  

Along with a challenge for each of us to re-envision ourselves in 2011 and beyond…

As always, thank you for reading this blog and being an important part of the life of our company in the past year.  And sincere wishes for a year ahead filled with peace, joy, good health, laughter, learning, boundless imaginations, and a new perspective on the genius and innovation all around us.


P.S.  And special thanks to all of you who have been kind enough to share the blog and my books with your friends, co-workers, customers, neighbors, clergy, and strangers.  In the past sixteen months, the notion of unlocking the genius in ourselves, our colleagues, our organizations, and the world around us has really started to take hold!

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