Big Ideas Unlocking Genius

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs

Greetings.  I've written a few times about the genius of Apple–a genius driven in large part by the vision of Steve Jobs.  His passing yesterday was cause for sadness among all of us who have ever benefitted from his remarkable ability to imagine a different world in which people are far more connected, engaged, entertained and knowledgeable.  In the days and weeks ahead there will likely be many tributes to his brilliance.  And many opportunities for all of us to think about how to apply his insight and passion to the lives of our companies and organizations.  Insight and passion that can be a powerful spark to our own creativity and a fitting honor to his legacy.


So next time you use your iPhone, iPad, Mac or visit the iTunes store or an Apple retail location, pause for a moment to think about the real magic of this company and the person behind it.  

Magic that you can bring to the customers you serve.

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