Noah-isms: “The Most Important Dream”
Greetings. On a recent dog walk around the neighborhood, our son Noah asked me what my "most important dream" was. It was an interesting question and one that sparked my curiosity. "I'm not really sure," I replied–quickly trying to unlock my memory. "I have had a lot of very interesting dreams," I suggested, "but I'm not sure which one is the most important." "You know," he continued, "the dream that changed your life the most. The one that you did something about. Like dreaming about meeting Mamma, or having children, or getting a dog, or starting your own business, or making the world a better place, or something like that." "I guess that I did dream about every one of those things," I answered with a smile. And all of a sudden I began to understand the even bigger idea that he was getting at. That each of us has a special power to dream an important dream and then be so inspired that we make it come to life. Rather than simply letting our dreams fade with the harsh sound of the alarm clock or the pressing demands of an urgent priority.
That we could be the superheroes of our dreams. With the special powers to make them happen against all odds!
And even if you can't remember your most important dreams from when you have been asleep, you can definitely recall your dreams from when you've been awake. That is, if you have ever taken the time to dream. To recall the dreams that once (or more than once) captured your imagination but somehow never came to be. The moments when you dared to envision a more perfect world, a more impactful enterprise, a more engaged and collaborative workplace, a more meaningful and complete life, or a more significant contribution to a problem worth solving.
So what is your most important dream for your company or organization? And, how willing are you to use your genius and the brilliance of those you work with in order to make it come true? To create a clear and inspiring vision, craft a clear and innovative strategy, and then act to bring the dream to life. With a keen sense of focus…and a dog at your side.
We win in business and in life when we are invited to recall our most important dreams. And when we strive to make them come true.