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Groundhog Day, Again

Groundhog Day, Again

Greetings.  Just when you're starting to get tired of the cold and snow, our friend Punxsutawny Phil comes along with his less than scientific prediction that there will be six more weeks of winter.  Just because he sees his shadow.  Actually, it's because his slightly unusual friends (affectionately known as his "handlers") see his shadow–or some other shadow–on an overcast Pennsylvania morning which always happens to fall on February 2nd.  But who am I to question this amazing 123-year tradition?  And besides, I loved the movie Groundhog Day and I'm more than slightly enamored with this furry twenty-pound rodent and his innate talent for weather forecasting.  Who cares if he's wrong 60 percent of the time?  After all, isn't that roughly the same level of accuracy as most TV weather personalities?  

And it's a lot of fun, with all the hoopla, cool hats, huge crowds, overly-contrived seriousness, and amusing marketing pizzaz!  Even if the story is always the same. But it poses a real challenge for all of us in the world of business.  Because while customers want certain things to remain the same, they increasingly expect us to bring them fresh ideas and better ways of meeting their needs.  They expect us as consultants, contractors, experts, service providers, professionals, and technology companies to step out of the shadows in order to shed new light on what's possible–based on our growing knowledge, skill, and commitment to their success.         


We win in business by understanding what should stay the same, and what demands our genius, curiosity, and passion for innovation.  And by making sure that the rituals we create for customers keep up with their needs as the world around them changes.  Maybe it's time to step out from under the shadows that keep you and your colleagues from reaching your full potential.  After all, as humans we aren't really designed to hibernate.  

Cheers and enjoy the rest of winter, no matter how long it is!

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