The Genius of Nap Time
Greetings. When we were kids, nap time was an essential part of life and every school day. A chance to take a break, rest our minds and bodies, recharge our spirits, and keep the demons away. A time to journey far from the task at hand, if only for a matter of minutes, in order to possibly dream about new and even more amazing worlds.
And then one day we became adults and the notion of taking a nap became only a distant and comforting memory. After all, what company or organization in its right mind would want its employees to nod off when they could be slogging through all of the cool stuff in their in-boxes or struggling to stay alert in the day’s umpteenth meeting? Napping was viewed as the province of folks who were either total slackers, completely sleep deprived, or had a major iron deficiency.
Now the world, and particularly the business world, is changing, and none other than the Wall Street Journal is suggesting that taking a nap is possibly a good thing…and that “more naps, albeit short ones, might make for a more functional workforce.” And possibly even a more energized and innovative one. They report that there is actually an emerging art and a science to napping, and that new research in the field is more and more relevant to companies and organizations of all types.
It’s an interesting shift in our growing understanding of what makes people as productive and creative as possible… understanding that could provide remarkable benefits for workers and workplaces alike.
And that could change the parameters of what it means to be a great and supportive place to work.
We win in business and in life when we take the time to nap as a great way to recharge our batteries and our motivation to do the most important things in new ways.