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Finding Time to Get Distracted

Finding Time to Get Distracted

Greetings.  The week between Christmas and New Year's is always a funny time. Some people are hard at work–busily attending to key end of the year deliverables or planning for the year ahead–while others are hardly working…taking a break with family, friends or a good book in order to recharge their batteries for the start of a hopeful year ahead.  And, in either case, with little time or inclination to read a blog post about innovation and business success.  That can wait until January when we're all a bit more focused on work and the promise of new ways of doing things.

So I'll keep this post brief and then rejoin you after the first of the year.  But I would be remiss if I didn't suggest that this week of "transition" is a great time to let your attention wander.  To be less focused.  Because there's a real possibility that we could all be more successful by getting distracted.  

That more regular distraction should be an essential part of our work lives and the lives of our companies and organizations.  

Distraction that enables us to discover a brand new idea, a new vantage point, a new interest or a new connection.  Distraction that enables us to come back to the tasks at hand with a fresh perspective on what is really possible.  The distraction that comes from taking time off or simply letting our minds wander.  From losing focus for a few moments or a few days.

So go ahead and get distracted.  It might be the start of a remarkable new habit. 


We win in business and life when we allow ourselves to get distracted. And in doing so create the chance to see our world in a new and more powerful way.


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