
Making Customers More Capable

Greetings.  If you enjoy hiking, climbing, backpacking, kayaking, bicycling and camping you're probably familiar with REI–the largest consumer cooperative in the U.S. and a business that is passionate about its customers and employees.  It's...

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A Winning Combination

Greetings.  Innovation often means putting things together that don't belong.  Or, more accurately, that didn't belong until someone decided that it made sense to put them together.  In fact, the most successful businesses and...

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Where Everybody Knows Your Name

Greetings.  Many of you will recall the theme song for the very popular TV show "Cheers"–a classic comedy from the 1980's about a group of friends who hang out at a Boston tavern.  The title of the song (and the essential theme of the...

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The Power of the Unexpected

Greetings.  Our middle daughter Carly, who is currently in the ninth grade, has a new favorite joke that she loves to tell to family and friends.  It goes like this: There were two muffins in the oven.  The first one turns to the other and says...

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The Pace of Change

Greetings.  Ever think that it's difficult to make change happen in your company, organization or industry?  If so, you're definitely not alone.  But you can take heart from a simple change that is occurring in the world of competitive...

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When Less is More

Greetings and welcome back.  Many of you have just returned to work after the Easter and Passover holidays which often coincide with Spring break from school. Back from recharging your physical and spiritual batteries just in time for the final push before...

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Noah-isms: “At Least Two Right Answers”

Greetings.  We all know that innovation is about finding new and better ways to solve problems, capture opportunities and deliver greater value to customers.  But is this also a sound premise for taking a test in middle school?   On a recent quiz in...

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Face Time

Greetings.  Saddled with debt from going to university, two enterprising British students decided to start a new venture as a way to pay off their loans.  The result was Buy My Face, a company that literally sells advertising space on their faces. If you...

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Defining Problems and Opportunities

Greetings.  Looking for a quick way to test the creativity of your colleagues and your organization?  If so, here's a simple and energizing three-minute "exercise" that will provide some interesting insight. 1.  Begin by dividing...

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Improving Our Focus

Greetings.  Having a clear focus is essential to innovation, creating remarkable customer experiences and assuring business success.  In fact, the more focused we are on the results we hope to achieve the more likely we are to push the envelope in a way...

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