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A Year of Innovation

A Year of Innovation

Greetings.  The latest issue of Popular Science brings its annual review of the 100 top innovations of the past year.  This is always my favorite issue because it provides a great way to look at, and think about, what's going on in the worlds of science, technology, and invention.  And a fresh starting point for imagining how some of these breakthroughs and the thought processes that went into them could be used to transform all of our companies and organizations.  

This year's top honors include mind-reading software, Tesla's all-electric supercar –the S (which we'll have to look at more closely in the weeks ahead), a new way to clean clothes that is far more energy efficient and environmentally safe, a pilotless cargo helicopter, consumer-grade 3D printers, replacement heart valves that don't require open heart surgery, and a simple process for making your smartphone and other devices completely waterproof.  

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

So run, don't walk, to your nearest newsstand, or grab an online copy and prepare to be amazed by the ingenuity of a world filled with geniuses.  Then, be prepared to use these ideas to unlock greater genius in yourself and all of your colleagues.

Popular Science 2012

We win in business and in life when we determine to push the limits of what is possible.  And when we are inspired by the creativity of others.

Cheers and have a great weekend!

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