Engaging Employees Just for Fun Unlocking Genius

A Weekend of Fun and Innovation

A Weekend of Fun and Innovation

Greetings.  Innovation is all about being open to new ideas and new sources of inspiration.  And the weekend is a perfect time to jumpstart your innate sense of creativity while you and your colleagues are away from the office.

To do this, simply commit to trying something new that someone else thinks is remarkable.  Something you've never done before but have always been curious about.  Like going to a museum or exhibit that you wouldn't normally go to.  Or going to a performance by a music, theatre, or dance group you hardly know.  Or exploring a neighborhood you've never visited before.  Or going to a local festival that celebrates someone else's culture or heritage.  Or watching a new and award-winning documentary movie.  Or trying a new cuisine.  It really doesn't matter what you do as long as you try something new.  And in the process, try to discover the brilliance in what you are experiencing.  Then think about what that genius could mean when applied to the challenges and opportunities that you and your company or organization face.


We win in business and in life by finding insight in the world around us and applying it to the things that matter most.

Cheers and have a fun and fulfilling weekend ahead!

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